AIで動画生成するGen-3 Alphaで遊んでみた!(2)

AIで動画生成するGen-3 Alphaで遊んでみた!(2)

Street looks like “NEO TOKYO CITY” by movie AKIRA.
we can see very high buildings height average 1000m.
But the road is on the lowest ground. It is full of garbage and dirty.
A lot of very new cars Future-like shapes that are different from today’s.are running.

A lot of old style neon lights billboard.
Above those light are many holographic advertisements that are transparent in 3D.

More than 20 Egyptian pyramids of different sizes are visible from the sky over Egypt.



A high-speed spaceship with the ability of anti-gravity is racing at great speed.
Five of these high-speed spaceships are visible at the same time.
The racetrack is dedicated and slightly indented.
To the human eye, the spaceship appears to be moving forward and advancing on the racetrack at super-high speed.
The speed is 400 km/h.
Both the racetrack and the spaceships are so photo-realistic that the seams are visible.


Five of these high-speed spaceships are visible at the same time.
The speed is 400 km/h.
Both the racetrack and the spaceships are so photo-realistic.


The camera moving over From the rearmost audience to the musicians playing on the stage. The camera moves at high speed, approaching at once above the heads of the audience from the
The musicians are two DJs dressed futuristically. Behind the musicians is a huge screen 100 meters long vertically and 200 meters wide.
On the screen, high-tech CG movie.

